Our Christian Learning Community

The Central Christian Learning Community is intentional – not just in what is taught, but in the values, we hold to, and the way all its members (teachers, staff, students, and parents) relate to one another. At CCS, Christian character formation and academic excellence walk hand in hand. From the youngest to the oldest member, we encourage one another to honor God and each other in our thoughts, words, and actions, to practice thankfulness, and to extend and receive forgiveness.
Who students learn with and who students learn from matters. In a world where the culture increasingly does not reflect Judeo-Christian values, cultivating a learning community that is distinctively Christian matters. The aim of Central Christian School is for all its members to learn together in a thriving Christian community. Students who are educated in this environment not only learn how to interact, grow, and serve others in a God-honoring way, they are also well-prepared academically, preparing them to impact the culture for Christ. What does this impact look like? It is the goal of Central Christian to prepare students not only intellectually so that they will earn a seat at the table “in the room where it happens” but also to equip them with a strong biblically focused core so that they will influence their families, communities, churches, governments, businesses, the sciences, technology, the arts, etc. for the next generation.
Contact the school office at 541.548.7803 or through the Contact Us tab on the website for more information.
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